Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The acidity in the oceans increases nervousness of fishes. - Eric Bravo

Looking for interesting news about science I found a very interesting and worrying new about the sea and the impact that our activites make on the animals that live in it.
Some researchers found that the acidity of the sea, incresed by our chemical productes, our factories, ships and the fishing industry, affect fishes in the way that it increases they nervousness.
For their study, the researchers created a laboratory with an area with light acidic water and one with acid water. A fish that was not exposed to large amounts of acidity in the water, was just swimming normaly. However, with a higher acidification of the water, the fish went crazy and starts going back and forth very quickly, something common that fish do when they feel nervous.

Then they, put the two fishtanks together and they saw that the fishes rarely pass to the acid side.

This, they said, can have serious consequences because it would mean that if some parts of the ocean get acid, fishes will not be able to go there to find food anymore. According to the study , a week passed after they changed type less water acidification. The good news is that this harmful effect seems to be reversible : after 12 days the fishes get better, and none of them was nervous anymore.

This study adds to previous research that had shown that ocean acidification included behavioral and sensory changes , including loss of smell.

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