Friday, December 13, 2013

Science vs religion.

Science vs religion 
This is a topic that has been discussed a lot, they keep discussed about it and continue to discussed it because never ending the controversy between them.
There is much interest for years to determine their relation. So, why science has always clashed with religion? Because each is considered the most appropriate to gain knowledge and criticize the work of another field, (science doesn't accept the faith without evidence and religion says science denies the most fundamental). Although the two disciplines must collaborate because they share some goals and can bring up ideas.

 But, we can explain everything from two views? For example, we talked about how life arose because the age of the world according to the Bible not conform to 3,000 million years tell us that science.

  • The theory of the scientific community is that life evolved from inanimate matter almost 4.000 million years. 
  • According to religion, however, the world was created by God in seven days. 
 Science and religion; a strange couple. What about this relation? Stephen Jay Gould says science studies how is the sky and religion how to get there.

 Definitely, it shouldn't be so difficult relation between science and faith if each know their objectives and methodology, but in practice it has been difficult

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