Sunday, December 8, 2013

Are found Two black hole Intertwined in a cosmic dance

-A group of astronomers has discovered what appear to be two supermassive black holes at the center of a remote galaxy , at 3,800 million light- Earth rotating together like dance partners years.

At first moment, scientists thought that the strange structure was forming new stars at a frantic pace , but after inspecting it further, they realized that the phenomenon " is more like a fusion of giant black holes '.

The " dance " of these two black holes begins slowly spinning objects with each other at a distance of a few thousand light years. Few black holes have been identified at this early stage of fusion. As they continue circling around each other , are close , separated only by a few light years .

In the final step in the merger of black holes , gravitational waves they send through space and time. Researchers are actively seeking these waves using dead stars called pulsars hoping to better understand how the dancers black holes.

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