Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Hopes for an AIDS Vaccine

First of December. World AIDS Day : a time to stop in medical advances to combat the disease. 35 million people are suffering AIDS in the world, among them more than 25 million are in Africa. Therapies slow down the progression of this disease, but are expensive and long time toxicity .
Px Therapeutics scientists searching a vaccine against AIDS. The 41 Euroneut program involving 17 European partners investigates how to block entry of the virus into the body.
The vaccine is based on the gp41 protein which is within the virus . 
Nicolas Mouz is the director of Px Therapeutics, in Grenoble , France: " The GP41 protein was chosen because it is a protein that is located on the surface of the virus. Is a protein that the immune system can sense and also plays a important role in the mechanism of virus entry into the cell. "  The AIDS virus is constantly changing to fool our immune system. But the GP41 protein does not change, what could be the Achilles heel of the virus. If the body produces neutralizing antibodies, the vaccine could be effective .

In the UK, the Guilford Center conducts tests on volunteer patients . Dr. David Lewis , medical immunologist , is responsible for the investigation of this vaccine. The Doctor Lewis says: "If we put the vaccine in the nose a good response in the genital tract is stimulated. So the concept is innovative start administering the vaccine in the nose with 3 doses . This prepares the body for a good response in the genital tract in order to block infection with antibodies to keep it out . "

The human immunodeficiency virus is so complex that you have to combine all the preventive measures from access to antiretrovirals to achieve a safe and effective vaccine.

Informative Video: New Hopes for an AIDS Vaccine

Friday, December 13, 2013

Science vs religion.

Science vs religion 
This is a topic that has been discussed a lot, they keep discussed about it and continue to discussed it because never ending the controversy between them.
There is much interest for years to determine their relation. So, why science has always clashed with religion? Because each is considered the most appropriate to gain knowledge and criticize the work of another field, (science doesn't accept the faith without evidence and religion says science denies the most fundamental). Although the two disciplines must collaborate because they share some goals and can bring up ideas.

 But, we can explain everything from two views? For example, we talked about how life arose because the age of the world according to the Bible not conform to 3,000 million years tell us that science.

  • The theory of the scientific community is that life evolved from inanimate matter almost 4.000 million years. 
  • According to religion, however, the world was created by God in seven days. 
 Science and religion; a strange couple. What about this relation? Stephen Jay Gould says science studies how is the sky and religion how to get there.

 Definitely, it shouldn't be so difficult relation between science and faith if each know their objectives and methodology, but in practice it has been difficult

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Dark Energy

Of all the mysteries of the universe unsolved one that has my calls my attention is the issue of dark energy hi so I want to upload this entry on this topic. Under current physical dark energy is a type of energy that is present throughout the universe and enb causing the galaxies apart ever go faster, in other words dark energy causes the acceleration of the universe accelerates and increasingly more and more.Yet there are still many things we do not know about this energy and the universe,Hope that someday you can solve this mysteries

Your brain eleminate the trash when you sleep

The investigators of the Rochester University has made one study about the importance of sleep.
This study say that when we sleep our brain eliminate the trash that we not need, when we sleep our brine is very active in the trash elimination as the beta-amiloide, that produce Alzheimer ore other diseases.

The glinfático system is the responsible system of the elimination of the trash in the rest of the body.

Know how pass this elimination is one thing that was not possible until now, because the technologies have evolved, with the two-photon microscopy.

Other thing that to the brain when we sleep in reduced its size one 60%, this produce more space in the cells and do that the elimination of the beta-amoloide is more easy.

The conclusion are that when we sleep more, we have less provability to have Alzheimer or other diseases, but if we sleep little we have more provability, for this is very important sleep.  

Wearing socks over your shoes reduces your chances of slipping on ice

Wearing socks over your shoes reduces your chances of slipping on ice

This Study was conducted by New Zelans scientists who wanted to know if wearing socks over shoes improved the tracion in icy sidewalks.
They do an experiment. After conducting the experiment with 29 people, two-third had previously fallen on ice, scientists found that wearing socks over their shoes was associated with a statisically significant improvement in tracion.



The Wormholes  is an astronomic rare and very incredible object. According to the article that I have read in a book of astronomy, the Wormholes are enormous routes that allow to connect different parts of the universe, in the time and in the space. 

Sounds like science fiction. Nevertheless, the holes of worm exist, at least as mathematical solutions to a series of formulae known as Einstein's field equations. Even this way, his royal existence is another question still not seizure.

Wormhole picture.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time travel

Popular television shows such as "Doctor Who" have brought the idea of time travel into the vernacular of popular culture. But problem of time travel is even more complicated than one might think. LSU's Mark Wilde has shown that it would theoretically be possible for time travelers to copy quantum data from the past.
It all started when David Deutsch, a pioneer of quantum computing and a physicist at Oxford, came up with a simplified model of time travel to deal with the paradoxes that would occur if one could travel back in time. For example, would it be possible to travel back in time to kill one's grandfather? In the Grandfather paradox, a time traveler faces the problem that if he kills his grandfather back in time, then he himself is never born, and consequently is unable to travel through time to kill his grandfather, and so on. Some theorists have used this paradox to argue that it is actually impossible to change the past.
"The question is, how would you have existed in the first place to go back in time and kill your grandfather?" said Mark Wilde. Deutsch solved the Grandfather paradox originally using a slight change to quantum theory, proposing that you could change the past as long as you did so in a self-consistent manner.
"Meaning that, if you kill your grandfather, you do it with only probability one-half," Wilde said. "Then, he's dead with probability one-half, and you are not born with probability one-half, but the opposite is a fair chance. You could have existed with probability one-half to go back and kill your grandfather."

But the Grandfather paradox is not the only complication with time travel. Another problem is the no-cloning theorem, or the no "subatomic Xerox-machine" theorem, known since 1982. This theorem, which is related to the fact that one cannot copy quantum data at will, is a consequence of Heisenberg's famous Uncertainty Principle, by which one can measure either the position of a particle or its momentum, but not both with unlimited accuracy. 

The acidity in the oceans increases nervousness of fishes. - Eric Bravo

Looking for interesting news about science I found a very interesting and worrying new about the sea and the impact that our activites make on the animals that live in it.
Some researchers found that the acidity of the sea, incresed by our chemical productes, our factories, ships and the fishing industry, affect fishes in the way that it increases they nervousness.
For their study, the researchers created a laboratory with an area with light acidic water and one with acid water. A fish that was not exposed to large amounts of acidity in the water, was just swimming normaly. However, with a higher acidification of the water, the fish went crazy and starts going back and forth very quickly, something common that fish do when they feel nervous.

Then they, put the two fishtanks together and they saw that the fishes rarely pass to the acid side.

This, they said, can have serious consequences because it would mean that if some parts of the ocean get acid, fishes will not be able to go there to find food anymore. According to the study , a week passed after they changed type less water acidification. The good news is that this harmful effect seems to be reversible : after 12 days the fishes get better, and none of them was nervous anymore.

This study adds to previous research that had shown that ocean acidification included behavioral and sensory changes , including loss of smell.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chinese scientists are trying to develop the first invisibility cloak

One of the most recent and relevant news is that some chinese scientists in Pekín are trying to develop "the first invisibility cloak" in the world, trough the technology to prevent the visibility of objects.
The newspaper said that the Chinese government has contributed money to work of about 40 teams of research during the past three years, to develop this idea, for the moment limited only in science-fiction.
Among the ways that scientists explore to achieve invisibility it's developing materials that divert the light from the object you want to hide, by creating electromagnetic fields, and the development of materials of caouflage of high technology.


"It started with the questions that made us our families" post-Apolo astronaut Chris Hadfield.

The most famous post-apolo astronaut, Chris Hadfield, that became famous thanks to upload  some videos on famous web "Youtube".
In some videos, Chris, ask to their viewers to send him questions and all sorts of things they would like to do in the ISS to upload to next video. The videos were made famous around the world, they collected thousands and even millions of views in a few days.
Now a days on earth, Chris, after leave the Canadian Space Agency has published his new book, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, that includes all he learnt in the agency and some experiments that he did in the ISS.

To read the new and a little interview.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Hello everybody! Now, I'll explain a bit of the fractals.

Fractals are typically self-similar patterns, which means that it's seen the same from near as from far. Fractals may be exactly the same at every scale, or they may be nearly the same at different scales.

Using this, there's an interesting aplication of fractals that may surprise you. Upon measuring Great Britain's coast, one may assume it measures 18000 km long, but if one measures it more precisely, it measures nearly as twice as long.

Also, the image of the snowflake shows that with every division the lenght of the perimeter increases by 4/3 each time, so the last frame of the GIF is (4/3)^6 times longer, or a bit more than five times and a half (5,61865569...).

Wednesday 4th of December

On Wednesday December 4, in science of contemporary world, we saw a video of powers of ten, from 24 to -15 power of ten, and a sheet of paper, you should write see the different powers of ten.The video was in English, so that was hard to understand what it said, in the video you could see the DNA, neutrons, electrons and protons, atoms, the more galaxies properly than our, the orbits of planets in the solar system and more. But now we have a task and we have to fill a table we see the video to homeworks.

Are found Two black hole Intertwined in a cosmic dance

-A group of astronomers has discovered what appear to be two supermassive black holes at the center of a remote galaxy , at 3,800 million light- Earth rotating together like dance partners years.

At first moment, scientists thought that the strange structure was forming new stars at a frantic pace , but after inspecting it further, they realized that the phenomenon " is more like a fusion of giant black holes '.

The " dance " of these two black holes begins slowly spinning objects with each other at a distance of a few thousand light years. Few black holes have been identified at this early stage of fusion. As they continue circling around each other , are close , separated only by a few light years .

In the final step in the merger of black holes , gravitational waves they send through space and time. Researchers are actively seeking these waves using dead stars called pulsars hoping to better understand how the dancers black holes.