Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Evolution teory

-Man comes from apes.
-Darwin and Beagle
-Lamark (wrong)
-Natural selection.
-Variability of species.
  1.       All life being are some related and from a commune ancestor.
  2.       Every a life being inherit information from his parents, you only inherit chromosomic information.
  3.        Are two things that are responsable of change in specie:  genetic variability in the some species and natural selection.

 Different combination between chromosomes
Mutations à changes DNA

Natural selection: only survive and have descendents that are best adapted to the environment. 

  •          …that monkeys are our cousins.
  •          … that we came for same kind of ancient monkey.
  •          Never told about the relationships.
  •          …that we have 4% of Neanderthal DNA.
  •          The theory of evolution has nothing to do with social relations.

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