Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ECOLOGY 10/4/13

In this class we have told about ecology.

Ecology is a scientist discipline which studies the behavior of comunities of alive being and its relationships.

We also have told about some definitions related to this. For example:

·Biomass: mass of alive beings.
·Ecosystem: set of all the things that are importants in a level.
·Producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, descomposers: different levels of a trophic level.
·Habitat: phisical part of ecosystem.
·Ecologic niche: "place" in the ecosystem, position in the ecosystem.
·Trophic web: same to the trophic level without draws.
·Trophic level: relation of who eats who.
·Biome: kind of ecosystem.
·Population: group of animals that belongs to a one specie.
·Biotic potential: possibility that a specie has to develop in the ecosystem.

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