Thursday, June 20, 2013


One of the last days in class, we've made an activity working in pairs. Each of the pair had two green, two red, two orange, two yellow and two sex cromosoms that gave the information from the mother or the father. Then we had to wrote on the sheet what features will or not have your baby. The activity consisted in that each of the couples had to choose one of the two chromosomes and then join with the chosen of the partner to made a dragon baby. Finally the only thing we had to make is wrote the chromosomes that the mother and the father had in the sheet and mix them considering the recesive and the dominant ones and watch the features that the baby will have with that mix.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ECOLOGY 10/4/13

In this class we have told about ecology.

Ecology is a scientist discipline which studies the behavior of comunities of alive being and its relationships.

We also have told about some definitions related to this. For example:

·Biomass: mass of alive beings.
·Ecosystem: set of all the things that are importants in a level.
·Producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, descomposers: different levels of a trophic level.
·Habitat: phisical part of ecosystem.
·Ecologic niche: "place" in the ecosystem, position in the ecosystem.
·Trophic web: same to the trophic level without draws.
·Trophic level: relation of who eats who.
·Biome: kind of ecosystem.
·Population: group of animals that belongs to a one specie.
·Biotic potential: possibility that a specie has to develop in the ecosystem.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Evolution teory

-Man comes from apes.
-Darwin and Beagle
-Lamark (wrong)
-Natural selection.
-Variability of species.
  1.       All life being are some related and from a commune ancestor.
  2.       Every a life being inherit information from his parents, you only inherit chromosomic information.
  3.        Are two things that are responsable of change in specie:  genetic variability in the some species and natural selection.

 Different combination between chromosomes
Mutations à changes DNA

Natural selection: only survive and have descendents that are best adapted to the environment. 

  •          …that monkeys are our cousins.
  •          … that we came for same kind of ancient monkey.
  •          Never told about the relationships.
  •          …that we have 4% of Neanderthal DNA.
  •          The theory of evolution has nothing to do with social relations.