Sunday, October 14, 2012

Science around us and the science fields


At the class of last day, we talked about what types of science are around us, and where we find information about science. We talk about Science around us, and then when we finished this part of class, we started to talk about the Science fields, that in there we talked about all (or the most popular) types of science and we did a scheme with the types and the different specialities got that one.

Science around us

The best magazines of science are scientific magazines.  In there you can find information about science, the majority are investigations that scientists publish himself in this. The magazines or books were written with technical and scientist words and you don’t understand all, because it’s difficult.
Also there are a lot of different books.

Science fields

Under it, we can see al scheme with the different science fields that there are. We make it in class. In in, we can see that there are a lot of science fields and also can thing that it's very difficult know about all of them. 

Also, you can visit the following web pages and in there you can find this scheme with two different versions. In the first, you can see it with two ways, and in the second you can move by the scheme.

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