Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Corrections of question 1 and question 2 and Science Around Us

28 of September 2012


Question 1:
How many acquaintances, friends and close relationships can one person really maintain in live?

When you are older you have more acquaintances. As time passes by, a lot of relationships are forgot.
We may want to know:
·                     What is a friend, a close relationship and an acquaintances.
·                     Are there previous studies?
As you are older you have know more people.
The amount of social relationship is higher in women
-Choose people of different ages (10,20,30,40…80 years) and different genders.
-Show them different photos of their acquaintances and friends.
-Look whose of them they remember.
  -Using surveys to ask them their opinions. 
-Constructing a table
-We do a statistical.
-We do a graphic with the average.

Then we can make a conclusion.

Question 2:
Per cada 4,5 km en tenim 3,5 litres de gasolina.
Per cada 10 km en tenim 7,781.
Si la gasolina està a 1,53 euros. 10 km ens costen 11,9 euros.

-El preu de la gasolina és de 1,53 euros.
-Per cada 4,5 km gastem 3,5 L de gasolina.

- Si per cada 4,5 km gastem 3,5 L, per cada 10 km gastem 7,78 L.

-Posem 11,90 euros de gasolina. 
-Fem 10 km en diferents terrenys. (sorra, sorra de platja, pedra, herba, carretera...) i en diferents marques de cotxes.
- Apuntem els resultats en una taula de dades.
-Fem un gràfic de barres. 

Podem treure una conclusió de l'experiment.

Science around us
The last scientist information is in the scientist magazines. In these magazines the scientists publish their investigations.
This articles often contains a lot of technical and scientist words and is difficult to understand them.

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