Tuesday, October 30, 2012

26-10-12 The universe (2) :

Julius Caesar 45 b.c
· Julian Calendar

Copernicus 1543
· He published de Revolutionibus Rrbium Coelestium
· Helicocentric Universe.
· He proposed the idea of rotating earth that revolved around the Sun
· He died before his ideas were spread.

Gregorian calendar, October 1582
· It includes leap years with 366 days
· This is the calendar some people use in the Western world

Tycho Brahe
· He was an eccentric mathematician who worked for the church
· He complied volumes and volumes of very accurate data of position on hundreds of celestial bodies

Johannes Kepler
· Was Brahe’s main assistant when Brahe died
· He used Brahe’s data to create the 3 laws of planetary motion
· He was the first strong supporter of Copernicus


-1. The orbit of a planet/comet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun's center of mass at one focus.
-2. A line joining a planet/comet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.
-3. The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their simimajor axes.

Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642
·He improved the telescope
·He discovered mountains on the moon, and the four Jupiter’s moons

Isaac Newton, 1642-1727
· Newtonian telescope
· Law of gravity
 -1. Inertia
 -2. F=Ma
 -3. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Halley, 1656-1742
· He discovered Halley’s Comet

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955
· He revolucioned the world of physics
· His theories of relativity are a new way to understand space and gravity

Friday, October 26, 2012

24-10-12. UNITAT 2.


In this class we started the unit 2 of the univers. We made a previous evaluation of unit pointing the questions that we believe could answer in this unit. Then, we talked about the history of astronomy explaining calendars and constellations. And finally, we called and explained two scientifics, Eratosthenes of cryne, and Ptolomy.

      1. The history of astronomy

The astronomy tries to describe what’s in the sky.

   Calendars were one of the main applicatons of ancient astronomy. They were base don the motion of the moon (weeks) and sun (year) and allow to predict the seconds and the other natural phenoma.

They were developed to help manage crop growth and to determinate when to hold rituals.
[Mayan calendar was one of the first calendars (4000 BC).
Stonehenge calendar is a macro calendar. It was one of the first. It’s a group of stones. (2000 BC)] 
Stonehenge calendar

Mayan calendar

   Constellations are a group of stars that occupy a part of the celestial sphere.
Ancient astronomy imagined lines and draw connecting the stars and give natural or mithological names to those groups.
Actual constellations in northern hemisphere come from old Babilonia and Greek astrology.

      Eratosthenes of cyrene:
- Mesures the circumference of the Earth
- Said that the Earth is round! 

- Catalog of 44 constellations
- Geocentric Universe
- Said that the Earth is at the center of the Universe
- Orbits and retrograda motion of the planets were explained through epicycles.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The large underground of science

Last Wednesday in class we talked about the ways of science.
We played through a drawing like an underground train track the evolution of science in all these centuries,there are different ways in this drawing, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, physics and other..

Then we look and compare different scientists who had seen the last class. We identified what they did in the story and why they were in this picture that describes a lifetime of Science.

For example we were looking at that as a scientist ...

- Charles Darwin : Va publicar el 24 de novembre el llibre de L'Origen de les espècies on Va examinar l'evolució humana i la selecció sexual.

Alexander Fleming: va ser bioleg i professor universitari escocès guardonat amb el Premi Nobel de Medicina, va ser conegut pel descobriment de la penicil·lina.

- Isaac Newton: és l'autor dels Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, descriu la llei de la gravitació universal i les tres lleis del moviment.

Louis Pasteur fou un microbiòleg i químic conegut pel públic per la seva demostració de la teoria del germen d'una malaltia,més especificament per la primera vacuna contra la ràbia.

- Edwin Hubbleva ser un dels més importants astrònoms,principalment per haver demostrat l'expansió de l'univers mesurant el desplaçament de galàxies distants.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Fields of science

Last Friday we checked the scheme. We completed the sections of geology and chemistry. In biology we add: Genetics, biochemistry, zoologic, botanics, microbiology, micology, citology, ecology and evolotionist. In chemistry we add: Organic, inorganic, analitical, biochemistry and fisical chemistry.

Later we saw the homework for 29th of October: 

After that we looked for some scientists on a picture. For example: Einstein, Galileo, Pitagores, Newtoon, Arquimedes, Euclides, Darwin, etc...