Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2013-14 COURSE

15-September-13: First class of the course

Contents. We talk about:

  • Description of the course
  • Main features of science

Description of the course. 

Without being extensive about details, we talk about:

English in the classroom: 
We'll try to use it as much as possible. It's compulsory to write at least the first lines of every work in English. If all the work is in right English, the marks will rise up by 1 point.

The mark will be obtained from the weight average of the corrected works.
Attitude (mainly, being in time and sending works in the right dates) may change 1 point up or down.
Traditional exams, when existing, will be only vocabulary.

Blog and moodle
Students have to contribute to the blog with one entry every term, at least.
We will work in moodle:

It includes a forum to upload interesting science news, and the contents structure.

The course will have six themes.

There is one moodle topic for every theme with the outline and the activities

Main features of science

Science is a method and a way to look at things, more than a set of knowledge.
It's one of the characteristics of occidental culture.
Curiosity, the aim to know (that's not considered a positive feature in many cultures), is the engine of science.
The obligation of checking ideas with reality and the strict respect for the experimental results are other main features of science.

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