Saturday, September 28, 2013

26th September: 3rd Class

Contents: we talk about

·         Review questions

·         Explain the main features


Review the questions:
At the beginning of the class we read some of the questions we had written the day before. After read them we corrected the wrong ones.


Main features:
The main features of Science are:

·         Results have to be reproducible and objective: it means that it won’t depend of the person who counts; the results always have to be the same.

·         Use mathematics as a tool.

·         Doesn’t exist an authority principle: s, if you check it and it’s wrong, doesn’t care who says this; it will always be wrong.

·         Reality is the trial/ proof/ test.

·         Simplicity (Ockam Razor)

·         Ethic: share all the knowledge nut you have to recognized the owner.
Here I show you a cartoon of  Newton and Leibniz having an argument because they think that both are the owners of one idea.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


· Questions that scientists can answer:
  • Does exist human cloning?
· Not scientific questions:
  • Why we have to study science if we are of humanistic group?
  • What is the life?
  • Why the people always try to find an answer for all their questions?
  • What are the feelings?What would the world be without them?
  • Is true that all the people have a soul twin in this life?
  • How to make interesting questions when you are forced?
  • How the people can ensure the past only with investigations?
  • Have everything sense?
  • Why when we have something in our reach we don't value it and when we lose it we miss it?

25th September: 2n Class

Contents: we talk about

  •          Structure of the Blog
  •          Curiosity Questions
  •          Verify Aristotle’s affirmation

Structure of the Blog:

We spent about 10 minutes listening how to do a good reminder about what we did the last class. What it has to contain: contents, images and an explanation.

Curiosity Questions:
We had to make ten questions about what themes that science for contemporary world could answer. These questions could be about things what are discovered and known or things that aren’t known yet.
We had had 5 minutes to make all the questions and then we shared them with all our partners. Silvia gave us some easy homework: write the 10 questions in the moodle.

Verify Aristotle’s affirmation:
In this part of the class, we were trying to check Aristotle’s affirmation. It says that women have less teeth than men.

Everybody of us counted how many teeth we’ve got. Then we did an average, girls in a column and boys on another. We have the same number of teeth: 28. 

A funny image: 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2013-14 COURSE

15-September-13: First class of the course

Contents. We talk about:

  • Description of the course
  • Main features of science

Description of the course. 

Without being extensive about details, we talk about:

English in the classroom: 
We'll try to use it as much as possible. It's compulsory to write at least the first lines of every work in English. If all the work is in right English, the marks will rise up by 1 point.

The mark will be obtained from the weight average of the corrected works.
Attitude (mainly, being in time and sending works in the right dates) may change 1 point up or down.
Traditional exams, when existing, will be only vocabulary.

Blog and moodle
Students have to contribute to the blog with one entry every term, at least.
We will work in moodle:

It includes a forum to upload interesting science news, and the contents structure.

The course will have six themes.

There is one moodle topic for every theme with the outline and the activities

Main features of science

Science is a method and a way to look at things, more than a set of knowledge.
It's one of the characteristics of occidental culture.
Curiosity, the aim to know (that's not considered a positive feature in many cultures), is the engine of science.
The obligation of checking ideas with reality and the strict respect for the experimental results are other main features of science.