Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wednesday 13th of November

In our Science for contemporary World’s class Rebeca explained us new vocabulary to use it in our works for enhance it: she showed us synonyms of “say” (visualize, portray, analyze…) and the meaning of “allegedly” (what means according to someone’s opinion) with some examples.

Then we watched a video about C.E.R.N, which explains what it is and how it works. This is the video:

(This is the structure, the circuit of C.E.R.N)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

31st October

We went to the library. To start the class Silvia explained the work. After that we did groups of three or four persons. With these groups we must do two different works. The first is one map with the classification of the camps of science. We can search information in internet and we can do one conceptual map with a computer program. The second work is do targets for the game “Who is who?”  We must search information of 52 scientists. Concretely we must find a photo, his age, an anecdote etc. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

7th November: 13th class

Contents: We talk about:

· In this day, all of our class had to do minimum two questions about the universe: one that is already answered by the scientifics, and another that isn't answered. A few questions for example:

-What is dark matter
-What is a black hole
-When will the planets of the solar system be aligned in a straight line
-Which is the biggest galaxy in the Universe and where is it
-Are there more galaxies in the Universe
-Are there alive beings in Universe or other planets
-Is there intelligent life somewhere in the Universe
-Where do things go when they enter a blackhole
-Where do you go when you enter a blackhole


Also, we correct  the moddle exercice: "Bad science... studies that are not right."