Wednesday, October 16, 2013

16th October: 7th class

Contents: We talk about:  

Today, Sílvia has explained us the different sources of scientific information. For last, at the end of the class have done an exercise on the different contents of the science. Now I leave you a summary of the  different sources of  scientific information, the exercise that me done and a image of a scientific magazine.

1. Sources of scientific information

  • Divulgative books 
  • Divulgative magazines
  • “Normal” newspaper
  • Scientific magazines
2. Feels of science 
  • Biology
  • Astronomy
  • Physics
  • Geology
  • Chemist
  • Sociology
  • Computer science
... etc. The explanation of each one do not put it because it is the exercise that have to complete the students.

Image of scientific magazine; his title is SCIENCE.

And his website is :

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

9th October: 6th class

Contents: we talk about

  • Continue with the explanations and the evaluation of the projects

The explanations and the evaluation:

Last day, we continue with the explanations of the projects that the previous day we finished it and we started to explain. While a member of each groups made his presentation, the rest were evaluating the experiment that he or she was introducing us. The different things that we evaluated were:
  • If the experiment solved the hypothesis raised.
  • If the experiment would work.
  • If we improve anything.
  • The presentation.
At the end of the class each of us handed the evaluations we had done.

3rd October: 5th Class

The summary of this class:
In this class we start getting together in groups and we continued with the solution of the method, we discussed, collaborated asked and that way we could think of to fix it.
When time is up, all have returned to normal site and we have to listen to the different projects of different class groups.
Eric began with an explanation of the project and at the end we have to score according to our approach.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

2nd October: 4th class

Contents: We talk about:

  • The Scientific Method
Today we start the class with the main features about Scientific Method. In the case, the teacher, Sílvia explanined the differents parts about this method. For everybody know this process, she puts a homework about two differents presentations where explain the 6 steps for the next day. This work consist to see this presentations and do a summary about both. After, we put in practice the Scientific Method about a group work. There are differents topics and we say the objective, information that we need, hypothesis,explain the experiment, put the differents variables and the conclusion and the result about this work.