Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Class: 23 of January, 2013


In the last class we did a different activity. We read several pages explaining various tips on taking good notes in class.
When we finished, we note the most important tips.

The most important tips
-Entendre el contingut.
-Intentar escriure amb les teves paraules.
-Remarcar les paraules clau.
-Remarcar les paraules que no s'entenen.
-Resumir/simplificar el que diu el professor.
-Keep your notes together.
-Numerar i posar data als fulls que treballes.
-Utilitzar esquemes/parts gràfiques (cas particular).
-Deixar espais en blanc, per poder completar.
-Han de ser entenedors.
-Incloure instruccions de cara a una futura llegida.
-Escriu gran/separat.
-Deixar marges per anotar comentaris.
-Utilitzar marcadors (en cas de que hi hagi moltes pàgines)
-Escollir si prendre apunts a la llibreta o en fulls.
-Stay active in class.
-Abrevate when it's necessary.
-Frases curtes i clares.
-Repassar els apunts.
-Check with other people notes.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



Work to do:
- We have to explain earth's life and relation it with a period of time, for example: one day, one year...
- We have to do groups of three people. And every person of the group have a task: one have to do the mathematic part, the other have to llok for all the datas, and the last one have to do the stetic part.

We have to do diferent covertions to know what period of time corresponds for example to a one minut.

Search all the important parts of the history of the Universe like the firts cells, the apparition of the dinosaurs....

Choose the period of time or the place you want to represent.
- 27 years 
- One week
- All the " Riera"
- Around the world
- Amazonic river
- Beer
- 90 years.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


What are we going to do?
  •  Talk about and organize the previous installments
  • Clarify what’s left to hand over.
Earthquakes can’t be prevented. They can’t be measured in a detailed way either; all the scales we have to describe them are subjective, or relative, never exact. Earthquakes aren’t dangerous as such, but they provoke tsunamis, fires (because of gas explosions) and volcanoes explosions, which actually kill and hurt people and damage buildings and landscapes.
   We don’t have a lot of earthquakes in Catalonia, but they are more usual in places like Murcia or Italy (mostly the south) because they are near plate tectonics borders.
   The most devastating damage ever provoked by an earthquake occurred in Crete: a volcano erupted because of the earth-shaking movement that broke the internal layers of the volcano and made it explode.

Group work: 2009 Aquila Earthquake
  • Decide how would we deal with the geologists problem and account for why would we lock them up or why we wouldn’t.
  • Discuss about and organize the previous ideas.
  • We receive more information about the case (newspaper articles of the moment).
  • How would we end with the case and why.